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Give yourself a better chance to go viral by boosting your account metrics

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Likes are delivered safely with speeds that mimic regular human behaviour

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buy youtube comments

followersup is the #1 ranked Youtube provider on

Benefits of buying Youtube likes


We help your videos get enough initial engagement to increase the chances of Youtube showing your content to others. Likes are the validation that people enjoyed your content, and Youtube algorithms will notice it. Buy Youtube likes today and increase your chances of going viral!


✅ Quick Delivery
✅ Order in 60 seconds
✅ No password needed


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Reasons to buy Youtube comments

  • 1
    Boost to success
    Over 300 hours of video is uploaded on Youtube every single minute. Buying comments will kickstart your growth compared to your competition by increasing your engagement.
  • 2
    100% safe
    Using followersup to boost your comments is safe - we have not had 1 complaint about Youtube causing problems to our customers.
  • 3
    Increase your rankings on Youtube search
    While video views and watch time are 2 metrics that Youtube loves the most, purchasing comments can give you an extra edge over your competition by increasing your engagement.
  • 4
    Appear on recommended videos
    By increasing your comments, you will be more likely to appear in the recommended video tab and attract a lot of organic traffic.
  • 5
    Raise social proof
    People are more likely to open their minds to new info, as long as they see other people like/approve it. By increasing your comments, you will seem more popular, but don't forget about views, likes and subscribers.

100% Money Back Guarantee


We guarantee that if you buy our YT views, your video will experience fast growth in the number of comments. If you do not get the comments, you will get a refund.


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Buy Youtube comments FAQ

Is it safe to buy Youtube comments?

Yes! Buying youtube comments is perfectly safe. 

Doing so will not only make your videos look more popular, but it will also increase your engagement rates, which helps you rank better on Youtube.

What's the best place to buy Youtube comments?

There are many sites to purchase Youtube comments from. Followersup has been providing YT services since 2016. With 4 years of experience we have become the #1 provider of Youtube services.

How to buy Youtube comments?

If you're thinking "can you buy youtube comments?", then keep reading this.


Ordering comments from followersup couldn't be easier.

Simply choose a package, enter your video url and e-mail address, complete the purchase and you are done! Simple as that!


Click here to choose your package