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10 ways to get followers on TikTok in 2022


TikTok is becoming one of the biggest platforms for your content to reach huge audience, you can grow your brand or become an influencer. But like everyone else you need to start from the beginning and growing your accoun is not that easy in the beginning. You can speed up the whole process a lot if you know what you are doing.

Run your account properly and become one of the superstars of the TikTok world. But without implementing strategies, you will not reach your goals in the world of TikTok.

1) Select the right topic

A lot of TikTok users fail to run their account successfully, mostly because they are selecting wrong topic for their videos. Do not select a topic you do knowledge about, if needed do research. Its great idea to choose something you have high interest in, so you are interest to dig deeper. Make sure you are passionate about your topic and interested to share it with the world. The second most important thing is the people also going to love your content if you love it!

2) Make an attractive profile

Make a profile in such a way that it leaves a great impression on visitors of your account. Do not take long usernames, keep it simple and fun. It is good idea to use the same username on your every social media account.

3) Follow and Unfollow method

The best way to gain a follower is to follow several accounts daily and then unfollow them. It's also an effective way because people may follow you back. And try to follow the people whose niche matches with your niche. Go and check who follows them and engage with those users, they might like your content as well.

4) Be consistent

Consistency is the only thing that can make you succeed in any field. It does not matter how smart you are if you are not consistent. Lack of consistency will hold you back.

Mostly, people get excited and start posting regularly at the beginning, but for a few weeks only and then slow down. This behavior creates a negative impact on your account. So, be consistent and post daily something new.

5) Use trending tags

Keep yourself relevant in the TikTok's community. Look for the hashtags and challenges that are trending. Fulfill those challenges and make hashtags related videos. Use up to 5-6 tags in your videos.

6) Stay online

Peak hours are from 7 PM to 11 PM EST, try to post at these hours. Keep in mind that these are overall numbers based on all users worldwide. So it depends also where your followers are from and in what timezone they are. But the overall trend is in your favor on those hours, so take the most out of it. Post something, scroll around like and comment others posts and TikTok will give your content more visaibility.

7) Don't seek perfection

When you are just getting started, you cant expect that your posts are going to be the same like some of the most popular accounts. Give yourself some time and just have fun with it, you will learn on the way. The important is to get started, be active and creative.

8) Share your videos

Sharing is a powerful tool, its the easiest way to get additinal traffic to your TikTok account. Share your videos on RedditPinterest, Instagram, and Facebook. And you dont need to stop there, any social media platform that you are using suits well. You can share them on your wall and even by sending private messages to users you know. It can help to speed up the growth in the beginning a lot!

9) Use popular song

Trending song works like magic. Use popular song on your posts, it can be some new hit or old classic. Using the most used songs on TikTok might actually not be a good idea, as there is also more competition. Some song that is trending but not much used yet is the ultimate chackbot!

10) Stay away from the crowd

Don’t post exactly what others are posting. Post something new and creative. Of course its good idea to participate in challanges, but try also to make something totally new sometimes. Try to mix it up and think out of the box.

Shortcut to fame

Doing all those things will help you a lot, but do not expect your account to grow overnight. It will take months, if not years to achieve your ambitious goals. There actually is a shortcut that will get you there faster. You can buy Tiktok followers to get a head start in this high competition space. Fact is that more followers will make your account more attractive for other users. Get started now and get guaranteed results in no time!